The Immoral Minority


Now that George Zimmerman has shown the way, the KKK is trying to start neighborhood watch programs nationwide.

Some residents in Springfield were greeted by a flier in their front yards the other morning from none other than the local area Ku Klux Klan. While most groups seeking to advertise something they’re wanting to promote might stick paper fliers on cars, put a few yard signs out or staple a couple of advertisements on a few light poles—the KKK didn’t quite go that route.

Oh no, they took their fliers, then used a rubber band to attach them to rocks and threw them into residential yards overnight. Because nothing says “sleep well” quite like the KKK throwing rocks into your yard while you’re sleeping.

But this isn’t just an isolated KKK group that’s starting a neighborhood watch, apparently this is part of a nationwide push from the KKK to recruit…

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